Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Manual Defibrillator Monitors are two types of devices that are used to restore normal heart rhythm in individuals suffering from cardiac arrest. Both types of defibrillators are used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities to treat patients who are experiencing cardiac arrest or other cardiac emergencies. However, there are some key differences between AED Machines and Manual Defibrillator Monitors.
AED Machines are portable devices that are designed to be carried around and used in emergency situations. They are easy to use and come with clear instructions that guide users through the process of delivering a shock to the heart. AED Machines are typically used by first responders, such as paramedics and firefighters, and are also found in public places, such as airports, malls, and schools.
Gulf AED is a leading supplier of Automatic External Defibrillators AEDs in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). We offer a wide range of AED Machines including most popular makes and models such as Philips HeartStart HS1 AED, Zoll AED Plus, Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED, Defibtech Lifeline View AED and many more...
Manual Defibrillator Monitors, on the other hand, are larger, more complex devices that are typically used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They are used by trained medical professionals, such as doctors and nurses, to monitor a patient's heart rhythm and deliver a shock if necessary. Manual defibrillator monitors are more advanced than AEDs and have a wider range of features, including the ability to monitor multiple patient vital signs and deliver multiple shocks if necessary.
Gulf AED is a leading supplier of Manual defibrillator monitors in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). We offer a wide range of Defibrillator Monitors including most popular makes and models such as Physio Control Lifepak 15, Physio Control Lifepak 20e, Philips MRx Defibrillator Monitor, Zoll R Series Defibrillator, Zoll X Series Defibrillator and many more...
In conclusion, AEDs and Manual Defibrillator Monitors are two types of devices that are used to restore normal heart rhythm in individuals suffering from cardiac arrest. AEDs are portable devices that are designed to be carried around and used by anyone in an emergency situation, while manual defibrillator monitors are larger, more complex devices that are typically used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities by trained medical professionals.
Gulf AED offers FREE shipping of AED Machines and Defibrillator Monitors in UAE. We also provide AED Calibration and Defibrillator Monitor Repair service at best prices.